What is a Malware?
Malware, short for malicious software. This is software that is specifically designed to gain access or damage a computer without the knowledge of the owner. Malware can slow your computer and your computer start getting a lot of pop ups. Here is the list of signs of malware infection.
When you log onto your computer and it takes forever to boot up. When it finally does, a few unfamiliar applications litter your desktop, and your browser immediately sends you to an ad for different types. Furthermore, You’re getting a message that you have error on your drive. This means you have malware on your computer.
Sounds like your PC has a problem with malware.
Signs of Malware issues on your computer:
- Slow down your computer
- Pop-Ups on computer when you open up browser
- Computer Crashes every now and then
- Suspicious hard drive activity. seems computer busy processing data
- Running out of hard drive space
- Unusually high network activity on your network.
- New home page new task bars
- Unusual messages or programs that start automatically
- Your security solution is disabled or start getting errors
- Your friends tell you that they are getting strange messages from you
- New, unfamiliar icons on desktop
- You see unusual error messages
- Black screen or Blue Screen
- You are unable to access the Control Panel, Task Manager, Registry Editor or Command Prompt
- Computer stop booting or boot up very slow
We can remove all type of Malware from your computer here at PC Plus Computing
Call us now 604-760-1662